The Leader Training teaches you how to hold a container for a group of people doing Shadow Work®. On a practical level, it teaches you how to run a Shadow Work seminar, from registering participants to ending the workshop. On a personal level, it gives you a command of the emotional “circuitry” underlying these processes.
In order to qualify for the Leader Training, you must first attend the Basic Facilitator Training , the Advanced Facilitator Training and the Shame Lifters Online Training. The Leader Training is the fourth step to becoming Certified as a Shadow Work Group Facilitator.
For training dates and costs, see the Calendar of Events.
See also our new training for all group facilitators, the Shadow Types Training.
The purpose of the Leader Training is to prepare you to lead Shadow Work groups. At this training, you will learn:
- How to set a safe and efficient container for group Shadow Work.
- How to present information about group Shadow Work in a way that creates safety and trust in your participants.
- Group dynamics as they apply to a personal work seminar.
- How to inspire and evoke emotion with visualizations.
- How to help people get in touch with mature archetypal energies through the group exercises.
- How to empathize with other people’s pain and hold their wounded behavior.
- How to negotiate financial matters, and other boundaries, with people who have wounds around money and boundaries.
- How to protect yourself from attacks against your ability to stay in control of the group and facilitate.
- How to protect the participants from one another.
- Practice in defending the container from “container-busting” acts by a wounded participant, without wounding that participant.
- How to use music in a Shadow Work seminar, and what music we use.
For training dates and costs, see the Calendar of Events.
Graduates of the Shadow Work Basic Facilitator Training, Advanced Facilitator Training, Processing Inflations Training and Shame Lifters Training who want one or more of the following:
- To enhance their own personal growth, specifically by practicing their ability to employ the circuitry in the Identity Wound processes in ordinary conversation.
- To get some hands-on practice with group dynamics as they appear in a seminar and how to recognize and react to “container-busting” moves.
- To become accomplished Shadow Work group facilitators.
This training draws people who have already done a great deal of personal growth work, including Shadow Work, and shows by example what a richly loving and healing place a container can be.
After reserving your place in the training, you will receive the Shadow Work Leader Training Manual. We ask you to study the manual before you attend the training. At the training, we ask only that you focus on learning to honor and love yourself as you participate in both the practice Shadow Work seminar you and your fellow attenders will run and in the real Shadow Work processes you and other attenders will facilitate for each other. After attending this training, you are eligible to begin the process to become Certified as a Shadow Work Group Facilitator.
Maximum enrollment, each training: 8 persons (first come, first served).
Schedule: The training lasts seven days. Daily sessions are 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with a break for lunch. Full details in training packet sent to you upon registration.
For more information: Call Vicki Woodard at (303) 442-7989, or email
For training dates and costs, see the Calendar of Events.