Bring your true self out of the shadows and into the light
We will be starting the next Shame Lifter Training April 2025
If you intend to take either the LT or the CT in the next year, be sure to get the Shame Lifter Training under your belt first. It is required. Even if you’re not interested in becoming certified at all, you may want to have the Shame Lifters in your toolkit because it will totally up-level your people skills!
We will close registration for this session in February 2025, so please let us know if you are interested in attending this one.
In the Online Shame Lifters Training you will:
–Receive a manual ahead of the training, outlining each Shame Lifter, with examples
–Receive 9 video “teaching classes” with Cliff and Karin
–Participate in five 90-minute practice sessions. This is where the rubber hits the road. This is where you make this your own
–Attend a final online Question & Answer Session
Once you are enrolled in the program, you will receive a Doodle poll to find the best times and days for everyone to meet for the practice sessions. Once the Doodle poll results have determined the dates for the classes, if you can’t make enough live classes, you can request to opt-out of the training and receive a full refund.
We can’t offer the whole LT or CT online. But the Shame Lifters can be learned even better online than they can be learned in person because you will get much more practice.
Let us help you get your confidence up! Let us help you make these Shame Lifters a natural part of your skillset – that you can use in so many aspects of your life! The invitation is to come and work with the Shame Lifters; stumble and practice with us so you can use these amazing tools proficiently in your life.
Container Busters
Shame Lifters help you lift shame as a way to defend your container from the people who disrupt the process of creating and holding a safe container. We call those people “Container Busters.” Container Busting objections can arise when you are presenting to a group, holding a meeting or when you are working one-on-one with a coaching client. Other programs can teach you how to “shut down” objectors in your container. But the Shame Lifters handle objections by lifting shame, rather than by applying more shame. This means that the strength of your container can be enhanced by the use of Shame Lifters, rather than being torn apart by defensiveness, power plays, controversy, objections, or acting out.
We believe that participants in our containers deserve to be treated with as little shame as possible –– even if they act out in our container –– even if they obstruct or attack our container –– even if they attack us. There is a way to facilitate their objections gracefully and with dignity.
But as usual, powerful tools require powerful dedication to learn. No one learns to use these impressive tools overnight. They need to be learned over time, and with practice.
We think the online format can be better for you than the in-person format because there’s time for you to digest and reflect upon the deep insights on which the Shame Lifters are based. You can practice the tools over a period of time and learn from your mistakes to improve your performance on the next try because there is time between classes to practice more with other students. You can also spend less time away from home (since both the LT and the CT will now be shorter trainings)
So what is a Shame Lifter?
A Shame Lifter is a formatted way of responding to a Container Buster, which helps alleviate shame.
Every Shame Lifter is an abstraction of one Shadow Work® process. And every Shadow Work process alleviates some shame. So using a Shame Lifter is like taking a shortcut to the non-shaming realization that you would experience in that process. So even when you can’t run a whole process (and you SO WISH that you could), you can still have a shame-lifting effect by embedding the circuitry of a Shadow Work process into your responses.
Utilizing abstracted versions of the Shadow Work® processes to format your responses, you will be able to progressively lift the shame off them, by incrementally suggesting less-shaming interpretations of whatever is going on. And as you help lift the shame off, you create a safer container for both you and your participants.
Using the Shame Lifters may occasionally require some teamwork between you and your co-facilitator, or co-coach if you are working with one. But you will learn to use them by yourself as well when formatting responses in almost any conversation.
And here’s the final benefit. When you have internalized the Shame Lifters, you will find that they help you to avoid shaming yourself, as well.
The course will be taught by Cliff Barry and Karin Green.